St. Louis Impact Fund Mini Grant Project Application

Please note that answers placed in this form will not save if you close out of the window. We strongly recommended you write yours answers in a separate document first and then transfer them to this form.
This is a requirement for the grant. Please complete our online project proposal form before submitting your application.
This is a requirement for the grant. Please contact to schedule a proposal review meeting with a Mini Grant Committee Member before submitting your application.
For showcasing purposes - will be featured on the St. Louis Impact Fund website or used in promotional material if grant is awarded. Please write in third person.
What are the risks? How will you mitigate risks prior to project implementation? How will you address risks that present themselves during project implementation?
Include date(s), time(s), and location(s) of preliminary planning, implementation, and culmination.

Maximum file size: 51.2MB

Using the budget template we sent to complete your itemized budget, including total project cost, number of people involved, and project cost per person.

Maximum file size: 51.2MB

Upload multiple files if needed.

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