The Gephardt Institute is pleased to invite you to the St. Louis Fellows Showcase and Networking Reception on Monday, Sept. 16 from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. at Delmar DivINe. This interactive event will highlight our 40 St. Louis Fellows learning and impact over their 10-week internship with 31 non-profit and civic organizations.
Following opening remarks From Provost Wendland, we will hear from students and community partners about their partnership experience. Each student will have a poster overviewing their work with their community partner and reflections on their summer learning. Throughout the event, attendees will have the opportunity to mingle with one another and engage students in conversation about their learning and work over the summer.
Kindly RSVP below by Friday, Sept. 9 to ensure we have plentiful food and drink to celebrate with our 40 St. Louis Fellows!
RSVP for the 2024 St. Louis Fellows Showcase:
Registration has closed for the 2024 St. Louis Fellows Showcase and Reception.