Engage Democracy
We teach the knowledge, skills, responsibilities, and habits of citizen engagement in democracy.
Learn about Engage Democracy 2024, WashU Votes, Civic Action Week, Applied Civic Courses, and more.
Engage St. Louis
We foster opportunities for students to learn from and contribute positively to change efforts in the St. Louis region.
Learn about the St. Louis Impact Fund, Civic Café, Engage STL, and more.
Lead Change
We prepare students to be civic leaders wherever they live and work throughout their lives.
Learn about Civic Scholars, St. Louis Fellows, Gephardt Student Internship Program, the ChangeMaker Series and more.
Learn more about the Gephardt Institute from our founder, Congressman Dick Gephardt, and our Executive Director, Stephanie Kurtzman, and explore our history, our priorities, and our vision for the future.
The Gephardt Institute — a nonpartisan “action tank” at WashU — empowers WashU students to impact their communities and commit to lifelong engaged citizenship. Learn more about our approach in our flip book.
St. Louis is a vibrant region with many stories and places to explore. Watch our “In the Lou” video to learn more about our communities, and explore our online guide to being an engaged member of the St. Louis community.
Imagine The Future With Us
The Gephardt Institute creates pathways for WashU students to become lifelong engaged citizens and civic leaders. The urgent societal challenges we face require the focus, resolve, participation, and leadership of current and future generations.
With your support, we ensure that WashU graduates embrace their responsibility to help make our nation a more perfect union for all.