How prepared were we as a local/state/global community for the COVID-19 pandemic and how are we doing? What are the hidden costs of the pandemic? How can effective outreach and communication in the workforce, in schools, and among the public help? Discuss responses, lessons learned and our course toward recovery to a healthier future.
Free of charge and open to the public, the conference features keynotes from top health professionals and audience Q&A with expert panelists, including physicians, researchers and community health professionals.
Hosted by the Washington University Institute for Public Health.
This agenda is subject to change.
Wednesday, October 28
12-1 p.m. Virtual Poster Session (See the call for abstracts)
Thursday, October 29
8:30 a.m. Welcome
9:00 a.m. Keynote: Preparedness of the Public Health System and Infrastructure
Alexander Garza, MD, Chief Medical Officer, SSM Health;
Head of the St. Louis Metropolitan Pandemic Task Force
9:45 a.m. Panel Discussion: Preparedness of the Public Health System & Infrastructure
11:20 a.m. Panel Discussion: Role of Data and Modeling
12:10 p.m. Break
12:40 p.m. Keynote: Vaccines – Road to Recovery and Healing
Sean Whelan, PhD, Marvin A. Brenneck Distinguished Professor of
Microbiology, Washington University School of Medicine
1:20 p.m. Panel Discussion: Hidden Costs of the Pandemic (local, U.S. and global)
3:15 p.m. Panel Discussion: Important Role of Community Engagement/Communication
4:25 p.m. Closing Remarks/Adjourn
*Hybrid Event:live for a limited audience and virtual for everyone.