The Impact of Photo ID Laws on Voting Access 

March 27, 2025
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Stix House, 6470 Forsyth Boulevard, Clayton, Missouri 63105 (United States)

Voting is as easy as presenting your ID, casting your ballot, and you’re done. But how easy is it really to obtain an ID in the first place? Join us on Thursday, March 27 from 5:30-7 p.m. as we hear from Betsy Miller, Project Coordinator for the Ashrei Foundation. Miller will speak about the North City Photo ID Project and the impacts this program has on people in the St. Louis community. Miller will also explain how photo IDs are vital to voter access in Missouri and provide attendees with ways to combat voter disenfranchisement and how to get involved. 

About our speaker:

Betsy Miller serves as Project Coordinator at the Ashrei Foundation. The Foundation’s mission is to empower and activate the St. Louis community and partners by promoting economic justice to relieve suffering and interrupt cycle of poverty. Read more about the Ashrei Foundation

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