Students experience Ferguson through lens of tragedy and revival

This month, a group of WashU students took an Engage STL trip to Ferguson, Missouri, and learned about the community through the honoring of the life of Michael Brown Jr.  2024 marks the 10th year since Michael Brown Sr. buried his 18-year-old son, after Michael Brown Jr. was shot and killed by a Ferguson police […]

Neighborhood immersions and retreat bond Fellows with St. Louis, each other

When a WashU student becomes a St. Louis Fellow, they make a commitment to serve St. Louis effectively and responsibly, immersing themselves in the community and finding ways to contribute to positive progress in the region. As part of this commitment, St. Louis Fellows participate in Engage STL Days, during which they visit local neighborhoods […]

Seminars bring fellows to Eagleton Courthouse, Democracy Panel

Experiencing the nuances of local leadership and judicial impacts are an important part of student civic learning.  In the Gephardt Institute’s St. Louis Fellows Program, the Fellows engage in summer weekly seminars centered on civic engagement. While most of their sessions are at Stix House, two of the seminars took place off campus at the […]

Updated “In the Lou” features students, alumni, and new interactive content

As part of the Gephardt Institute’s efforts to acclimate WashU students to St. Louis and encourage them to engage in the community, the institute’s “In the Lou” guide is updated for 2024 to feature more neighborhoods and include more tools to help WashU students engage in the region. “In the Lou” resources help WashU students learn […]

Institute awards nine students grants to further St. Louis Impact

As part of a new initiative to provide further financial support of student community engagement in St. Louis, the Gephardt Institute awarded grants totaling more than $11,000 to nine students this month.   Partnership Extension Grants aim to help students in the institute’s Civic Leadership Programs—Civic Scholars and St. Louis Fellows—continue internships with their community partner […]

“The Longest Table” hosts 150 students for dinner and civic dialogue

In its inaugural event for WashU, The Longest Table was a hit as students gathered en masse to share a meal and talk with each other about their civic interests and visions for their communities.   “We talked about how to improve society in terms of general hopes, and I guess fears about what’s going on, […]

Tishaura O. Jones shares journey to STL mayor’s office in special Civic Café

As a special part of the Gephardt Institute’s Civic Café event series, St. Louis Mayor Tishaura O. Jones spoke to a crowd of more than 100 WashU students on Tuesday about the journey that inspired and led to her political career.   “I wake up every day excited to go to City Hall, because I get […]

Announcing Civic Action Week, Sept. 25-30

In collaboration with the Women’s Society of Washington University, the Gephardt Institute for Civic and Community Engagement is excited to announce the inaugural Civic Action Week, Sept. 25-30, 2022.  It’s a new initiative to highlight civic engagement opportunities available at WashU and in the St. Louis community. Working across campus with faculty, staff and community partners, […]

Program Chair: Charlyn Moss

Over spring and summer 2019, Charlyn Moss, class of 2020, served as Program Chair (formerly Community Assistant) for Engage STL, an Immersive Experience program for first-year students centered around topics of community engagement; environmental sustainability; and diversity, equity and inclusion. Charlyn reflected on her experiences with Engage STL and civic engagement on campus, sharing her own learnings and advice. Interested in […]