Medical Care in Uganda
Improve Pre-Hospital Medical Care in Iganga District
Low and middle income countries, such as Uganda, disproportionately bear the global burden of injury. Annually, an estimated one to two million injuries result in deaths due to settings that are potentially avertable through improvements in trauma care. Uganda, being one of these countries, has no formal emergency system and pre-hospital care is currently being delivered by police, taxi drivers, or community leaders.
With this project, Peter replicated and expanded upon the successful, context-appropriate first aid course on pre-hospital trauma care that was given in Kampala in 2008. The implementation of train-the-trainer model was established to make the program self-sustainable while also making it more cost-effective. Through this three day course, participants learned the basic lifesaving skills, ensured intermediate knowledge, and became qualified to instruct others on first aid training through the Red Cross protocol.