As the candidates leave campus, the fences come down, and the roads re-open, it is important to remember the larger purpose behind all of the exciting events associated with the Presidential Debate hosted at WashU – the upcoming election on November 8th. In addition to voting for the next President of the United States, there are many local, state, and federal offices and measures on the ballot, with 88% of Congress up for re-election.

Voting is an essential form of civic engagement, and NOW is the time to register as a voter or update your address information (even if you just moved between residence halls or apartments). Washington University partners with TurboVote to offer online voter registration in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Each state has a different voter registration deadline, and Missouri’s deadline is quickly approaching on Wednesday, October 12th at 5pm. If you submit your registration online after 5pm or your paper form is not postmarked by your state’s deadline, you risk being ineligible to vote in the November 8th election.
To make sure you meet the deadline, we encourage registering as a voter online as a voter through TurboVote—a free service—that provides text and email reminders before elections. You may also wish to pursue other ways to register as a voter before the deadline in Missouri or your home state.
If you are mailing in a Missouri paper voter registration form, make sure to send it no later than Monday 10/10 to ensure it is submitted on time. If you are already registered, TurboVote can help coordinate the process to vote with an absentee ballot in your home state.
Washington University encourages all of our students over the age of 18, faculty, staff, and alumni to participate in the democratic process by exercising the right to vote if they are eligible. For more information about election related events and resources please visit