On November 17, Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton shared resources for learning more about proposed legislation known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and getting in touch with elected officials to voice our opinions. His message is reprinted below.

- To our Washington University community:
- Like many of you, I have been following the course of the proposed legislation known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act as it makes its way through Congress. As I have shared directly with our elected officials, I am extremely troubled by a number of provisions in the proposal that would directly and negatively impact universities like ours and impede our ability to serve our students and society.
- Many of you have expressed a desire to similarly voice your opinions about the proposed tax legislation. I would certainly encourage anyone wishing to communicate with members of the House and Senate as a private citizen to do so, and quickly. Contact information for our elected officials is available online in a number of locations, including usa.gov, which includes a comprehensive listing of email addresses and phone numbers for congressional offices. If you would like to learn more about the issues, I would recommend visiting a source like the American Council on Education website, where you will find a useful compilation of information and resources.
- One of the most important aspects of our democracy is the will of the people. We should each do our part to ensure that our elected officials know what we stand for by making our opinions known, particularly on matters that will affect our lives for generations to come.
- Sincerely,
- Mark S. Wrighton