We’re so glad you’re here.
St. Louis is a vibrant region with many stories and places to explore. This video and accompanying online guide to being an engaged member of the St. Louis community are just the starting place for your civic learning and journey at WashU.
The “New In the Lou” initiative invites you to explore St. Louis. Whether you’ve just arrived at your dorm room via Lambert International Airport, or you are a lifelong resident currently residing in University City, by way of Maplewood but originally from Collinsville, Illinois, or you’ve followed a different path to get where you are today, there is much to learn and understand about this city and region.
We invite you to explore the resources and opportunities listed below to continue your civic journey at Washington University.
The New in the Lou Guide – Fall 2023
Download This Guide: Click here to download your digital copy of New in the Lou.
For a Print Version: Stop by Stix House (6470 Forsyth) to pick up your copy.
Interactive Neighborhood Guide
Engage STL
Washington University’s footprint across the city and region ensures students, faculty, and staff can engage with, in and for St. Louis in ways that are accessible, educational, and inclusive.

St. Louis Immersions
Throughout the year, we offer trips to neighborhoods throughout the St. Louis community for students to experience new parts of St. Louis and get to know the community perspective.

Deepen your understanding of community engagement with workshops on topics such as Foundations of Community Engagement and Planning for Request a workshop for your group today!
Resources and Links to Learn More
Washington University is host to many pathways that connect you to the community. The Gephardt Institute is just one such connector and facilitator on campus. Here is a brief list of more institutes, centers, resources, and divisions within WashU to can deepen your engagement with the city and region.
- Subscribe to Gephardt newsletters
- Follow Gephardt on Insta, Twitter/X, Facebook and LinkedIn
- Equity in St. Louis Self-Study Guide | Center for Diversity and Inclusion
- Center for Experiental Learning | Olin Business School
- Clark-Fox Policy Institute
- Institute for Public Health
- John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics
- Office of Socially Engaged Practice | Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts
- Public Service at WashU Law
- Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneuership
- Social Policy Institute
- Washington University School of Medicine’s Gateway Curriculum