The General Election is coming up on November 5. The registration deadline is October 9. Early voting at select locations begins on October 22. To register, visit TurboVote. Polling place hours are from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.
WashU will be hosting an on-campus polling place in the Athletic Complex for students, faculty, staff, and community members who are St. Louis County residents.
Marking a first for 2024, St. Louis City voters may cast their ballot on Election Day in the McDonnell Medical Sciences Building at the School of Medicine from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Other St. Louis City polling places can be found here.
Students registered at their local address can visit the St. Louis County or St. Louis City Board of Elections website to find sample ballots, polling locations, and additional voter information. (Not sure if you live in St. Louis County or St. Louis City? Click here to check.)
Nonpartisan election information can also be found at or for most U.S. elections.
If you have additional questions, reach out to or Otto Brown, Civic Engagement Manager, at