Three classes of Civic Scholars gather to celebrate, advise, build community

The Gephardt Institute celebrated three classes of Civic Scholars last month during the annual “All Civic Celebration” event.   Held on Sunday, April 21 in Umrath Lounge, the annual program brings together graduating seniors, juniors who are about to begin their Civic Summers, and sophomores who are new to the Civic Scholars Program to celebrate their […]

Student artists selected for inaugural Atkin Residency in the Art of Democracy

Two rising seniors earned the distinction of being named the first recipients of the new Atkin Residency in the Art of Democracy.  Madison Brown ’25 and Atalya Magdalena ’25 were selected through a competitive application process to be the inaugural Atkin Residents.   The yearlong Atkin Residency in the Art of Democracy provides a platform […]

Yelamali brings healing through the arts program to Children’s Hospital

During the COVID pandemic, Aditya Yelamali ’24 was worried that patients at St. Louis Children’s Hospital lacked interaction and stimuli that could help them heal. Yelamali, a 2023 Fandos Fellow in the St. Louis Fellows program, created Hearts for Arts as a patient-driven solution that would transcend the pandemic.   “We coordinated with Melody Deweese, a […]

Alumni Spotlight: Andreas Mitchell AB ’13

“If not for Civic Scholars, I don’t think I would have had the confidence to go down this road.”   The lessons Dr. Andreas Mitchell AB ‘13 learned with Civic Scholars inform how he approaches his work today. His time as a Civic Scholar gave him a sense of what civic leadership looks like and whether […]

Civic Scholars journey to DC for first time since 2019

A hallmark of the Civic Scholars Program is the opportunity to travel to Washington DC for a four-day immersion trip. Last month, 32 Class of 2024 and 2025 Civic Scholars learned about the federal policymaking process at the heart of where it takes place, met with federal representatives of St. Louis and Missouri, and discussed […]

Students develop civic interests in Gephardt internships and fellowships

Behind all the Gephardt Institute does is a team of student staff doing vital work to drive the institute’s efforts.  Through internship positions for both undergraduate and graduate students, the institute offers students the ability to develop and practice skills in a workplace environment on campus. These internships are perfect opportunities for students to explore […]

Students build on community impact with Partnership Extension grants

Last month with the launch of the St. Louis Impact Fund, the Gephardt Institute introduced Partnership Extension Grants. Civic Scholars and St. Louis Fellows spend the majority of their summer during the programs cultivating relationships with community partners to impact change. The Partnership Extension Grants help students maintain these connections and continue with important projects […]

Pearson reflects on Gephardt Institute’s impact

By Le’Aysha Pearson AB ’19A 2018 Civic Scholar, Le’Aysha contributed the following reflection about her experience with the Gephardt Institute, and how her civic journey that started here continues to shape her path. My journey began with the Gephardt Institute’s Civic Scholars Program and a passion for civic engagement, and has led me to the fulfilling civic […]

Notables: Joshua Aiken AB ’14 and Luka Cai ’20

News from Gephardt Institute alumni Joshua Aiken AB ’14, an alumnus of the Civic Scholars program who was accepted as a Rhodes Scholar while a WashU senior in 2014, published an award-winning book of poetry, “to be in & of.” His poetry dives into the perils and contradiction of how Black life is grieved in American society […]

Fellows build community while becoming champions for St. Louis

The 2023 St. Louis Fellows shared their experiences and learning from their summer internships with local nonprofit and government organizations. It was part of Civic Action Week held this month.   Community partners, family, friends, supporters, and the WashU community were invited to the first St. Louis Fellows Showcase, held on Wednesday, Oct. 18 at Stix […]

Gephardt enlists student advisors to help inform programming

In a new effort to further boost student input and collaboration, the Gephardt Institute launched a new Student Advisory Council this fall. The Student Advisory Council (SAC) is comprised of 18 students who will advise on key opportunities and needs related to Gephardt’s mission. In the spirit of active listening, Gephardt will engage the advisory […]

Past and present Civic Scholars getting into trubel (&co)

“I have a strong passion for people and that has led me to this path toward education. I received a lot of great education in my childhood and my parents came here from Nigeria because of education, so I always understood the power of giving back.”   Knowing the power of mentoring and engaging others in […]