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Gephardt enlists student advisors to help inform programming

In a new effort to further boost student input and collaboration, the Gephardt Institute launched a new Student Advisory Council this fall. The Student Advisory Council (SAC) is comprised of 18 students who will advise on key opportunities and needs related to Gephardt’s mission. In the spirit of active listening, Gephardt will engage the advisory committee to solicit feedback on programming, marketing, and other institute initiatives. 

“Our hope is that the Student Advisory Council allows us to better understand what’s most important, interesting, and compelling to students across the campus and how we can continuously reach more students,” said Sonia Sequeira, Director of Programs and Operations. 

To accomplish this, the institute solicited applications across the undergraduate and graduate student body, and then invited students comprising various academic schools, social identities, and campus, community and civic involvement to join.  

“With initiatives such as student-led proposals for Civic Action Week, we’ve seen the power of what’s possible when we integrate student voices and ideas. The Student Advisory Council is another way to do this,” Sequeira said. 

The Gephardt hopes to benefit from the Student Advisory Council, and to provide valuable experience to the members in return. Members receive professional development and experience in civic and community engagement through their role. Student members will also be invited to Gephardt programs and events such as networking opportunities with the Institute’s extensive network of civic leaders, alumni, community partners, and National Advisory Council.  

Sequeira hopes that the Student Advisory Council is one step further to emphasize student involvement in the process of fostering a vibrant culture of civic engagement throughout Washington University, for students, by students.