Elizabeth Salley, she/her

Elizabeth Salley, she/her

Marketing and Communications Consultant

Elizabeth Salley (she/her) is a Marketing and Communications Consultant at the Gephardt Institute. Elizabeth joined the institute in January 2019. Although she left the institute in 2021 to continue her graduate education, she returned in the summers of 2022, 2023, and 2024 to continue her contributions to Gephardt. Her work includes content creation, digital communications, and storytelling/brand strategy.  

Her previous experience includes internships at the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh (a microfinance institution for rural female borrowers) and Awamaki (a fair-trade indigenous weaving coop) in the Sacred Valley of Peru. Recently, she graduated with an M.S. Sociology at Saint Louis University, in which she conducted research on Afghan refugee resettlement in St. Louis. Her work spans from qualitative and quantitative research to graphic design and social media strategy. In her free time, she enjoys reading, writing, sketching, hiking, and exploring art galleries and new cities.