Gephardt News

Announcing 2017-2018 St. Louis Urban Fellows

Congratulations to Mason Herleth and Jacob Metz, the 2017-18 St. Louis Urban Fellows. The St. Louis Urban Fellows Program is a signature initiative of the Gephardt Institute for Civic and Community Engagement that supports recent college graduates with a passion for public service. Mason and Jacob will work full-time in St. Louis City Hall on substantive initiatives that advance city and regional priorities. During their ten-month fellowship, they will also receive professional development, mentorship, and access to a network of civic leaders in a broad range of sectors.

Mason Herleth ’17 

Mason majored in architecture and history and received a Bachelor of Design in Architecture from the Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts. He is a Danforth Scholar.

“When I think of St. Louis,” he shared, “I see a city with an incredible history and potential for growth. While it is true that there are a great many challenges facing the city, its vibrancy, resiliency, and the strength of its residents still awe and inspire me the way they did during my many childhood family trips.”

Jacob Metz ’17

Jacob majored in political science and American culture studies and received a Bachelor of Arts from the College of Arts & Sciences. He is a Annika Rodriguez Scholar and a Civic Scholar.

“Working in local government offers an opportunity to work with community leaders and thus intimately face how public policies have real consequences for real people,” he stated. “Local government seems tantalizing because of the literal and figurative proximity between elected officials and community members.”

The Urban Fellows Program is a partnership of Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis City Hall, and Arch Grants. The inaugural year was supported through seed funding from the Equifax Foundation, and the 2017-2018 Urban Fellows are funded through the generosity of Bruce and Karen Levenson. Learn more about the program here.