Who is eligible for a St. Louis Impact Fund Grant? 

Grants are offered to current Washington University undergraduate and graduate students. Many of the grants require partnership with an organization in St. Louis.  

What types of projects qualify for the grants? 

The St. Louis Impact Fund provides funding and support for a diversity of initiatives. To gain a better understanding, read through our St. Louis Impact Fund page and make sure your project proposal aligns with the mission, vision, and goals of the Gephardt Institute

To learn more, attend an info session or email the stlimpactfund@wustl.edu to set up an informational meeting. 

How do I decide which grant to apply for? 

Email the Associate Director for Community Engagement, Sam Babb at sbabb@wustl.edu if you are unclear about which grant to apply for, or stop by the Gephardt Institute office at Stix House (6470 Forsyth Blvd).  

What is a proposal review meeting? When should I
schedule my meeting? 

A proposal review meeting is required before submitting an application. 

The meeting will serve as a workshop for individuals who have drafted a proposal, have created a budget, and have met with possible community partners. To schedule a proposal review meeting, reach out to the St. Louis Impact Fund Assistant at stlimpactfund@wustl.edu

What is an informational meeting? 

Informational meetings are meant to address any overarching questions you might have about a grant, related to, but not limited to creating a budget, reaching out to community partners, etc. To schedule an informational meeting, reach out to the St. Louis Impact Fund Assistant at stlimpactfund@wustl.edu

After submitting my application, how long until decisions are announced? 

Applicants to the Transform Grant can expect to hear back about their Letter of Intent (LOI) by November 10. Successful applicants will be invited to attend three grant workshops, upon completion of the workshops and a final application, decisions for the Transform Grant will be announced in late December/early January.

I applied for a grant in the past, but did not receive
funding. Can I reapply? 

If you went through the application process and did not receive funding, we encourage individuals to review their application and resubmit during the following grant cycle. 

Can I apply for a grant if I have been awarded one in the past? 

Yes. However, you must have a new project idea or be expanding on a previous project. Please note that we do not typically fund the same projects. 

Can I apply for a grant after my project has occurred? 

The Gephardt Institute does not offer retroactive funding. We provide funding to individuals in the form of reimbursement. 

What do you NOT fund? 

Student-Led Health Screenings, Clinics, and FairsRequests related to community health require an elevated sense of care during the review process which includes input and regular active involvement of experts in public health and medicine. Based on consultation with the School of Medicine, we will not support undergraduate students in conducting or leading health screenings, clinics and/or fairs. In some cases, we will evaluate graduate student proposals when they involve a) a dedicated physician faculty lead committed to full oversight of the program; b) a physician faculty approved protocol for handling referrals and care for abnormal results; and c) community-driven requests. 
Proposals Without a WashU Affiliation: Our funds are designed to support both student learning and community needs. All grant proposals must illustrate clear connection between students and community.  
Campaign Work, Partnerships with Political Candidates, and Lobbying: Washington University is non-partisan, tax-exempt institution, and we are unable to fund any campaign work, partnerships with political candidates, and/or lobbying to influence legislation.  

Salary Payment or Re-Granting of Funds: The St. Louis Impact Fund is designed to foster active project partnerships between Washington University students and community partners. While payment for services and stipends in lieu of student earnings may be considered, we are not able to support direct salary payments or re-granting of funds.  

Other Requests We Cannot Fund:
We are unable to fund grants or budget lines for any of the following: 

  • Internships or practica 
  • Retroactive funding 
  • Research 
  • Funds and goods intended for philanthropic donation unless they are coupled with other community-centered work  

We received a St. Louis Impact Fund grant. Now what? 

Sign and submit your acceptance form within 7 days of receiving your award 

Read Information for Grant Recipients 

Can I submit more than one proposal? 

We encourage individuals to submit one proposal per cycle.